Le français suit.
Unceded Algonquin Anishinaabe Territories [OTTAWA], 13 June 2021 :
Today’s announcement by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau outlines $5.3 billion CAD in new and welcome spending for international climate finance. These much-needed funds will help vulnerable countries and their communities adapt to the climate crisis as they continue to respond to the health and economic crises at hand.
The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us of the urgent need for global cooperation. The climate crisis cannot be solved in isolation. Canada’s climate finance is a step in the right direction towards the implementation of Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy and contributes to greater alignment of humanitarian and development efforts that are vital for effective responses to the climate crisis, which disproportionately affects the most vulnerable communities.
[Quotes below.]
Territoires algonquins anishinaabe non cédés [OTTAWA], 13 juin 2021 :
Aujourd’hui le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a annoncé 5,3 milliards de dollars canadiens pour le financement climatique international. Ces fonds aideront les pays vulnérables et leurs communautés à s’adapter à la crise climatique tout en continuant à répondre aux crises sanitaires et économiques actuelles.
La pandémie de la COVID-19 nous a rappelé l’urgence d’une coopération mondiale. La crise climatique ne sera pas résolue de manière isolée. Le financement du Canada pour le climat est un pas dans la bonne direction vers la mise en œuvre de la Politique féministe d’aide internationale du Canada et contribue à un meilleur alignement des efforts humanitaires et de développement qui sont essentiels pour des réponses efficaces à la crise climatique, qui affecte de façon disproportionnée les communautés les plus vulnérables.
Members of Climate Action Network Canada and the Canadian Coalition for Climate and Development made the following statements:
“Today, Canada took an important step forward by announcing its largest-ever multi-year climate finance pledge. We congratulate Prime Minister Trudeau on doubling climate finance to $5.36 billion over the next five years. With this pledge, Canada recognizes that climate finance is at the heart of a successful COP26 and critical to cutting emissions globally. Doubling climate finance and increasing adaptation action also opens a new chapter internationally for Canada to be seen as a partner to low and middle-income countries, in particular those most vulnerable to climate impacts.”
– Eddy Pérez, International Climate Diplomacy Manager, Climate Action Network Canada
« Aujourd’hui, le Canada a franchi une étape importante en s’engageant à verser le plus important financement climatique pluriannuel de son histoire. Nous félicitons le Premier ministre Trudeau d’avoir doublé le financement climatique pour le porter à 5,36 milliards de dollars au cours des cinq prochaines années. Avec cette promesse, le Canada reconnaît que le financement du climat est au cœur de la réussite de la COP26 et qu’il est essentiel pour réduire les émissions à l’échelle mondiale. Le fait de doubler le financement climatique et d’accroître les mesures d’adaptation ouvre également un nouveau chapitre sur le plan international pour que le Canada soit considéré comme un partenaire des pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire, en particulier ceux qui sont les plus vulnérables aux impacts climatiques dans le monde. »
– Eddy Pérez, Directeur de la diplomatie climatique internationale, Réseau Action Climat Canada
“Grandmothers welcome Canada’s announcement that it will make important investments in international climate financing. We encourage Canada to invest significant funding towards adaptation, especially with women-led local organizations who have much to offer in responding to the climate crisis.”
– Linda Kulkarni, Climate Strategy Group Co-chair, Grandmothers Advocacy Network (GRAN)
“Canada’s bold announcement to double its climate finance package comes at the heels of calls for urgent and inclusive action needed to build trust and provide transparent, predictable, and ambitious contributions for small-scale farmers, majority of whom are women, to adapt to climate change, and build resilient food systems. Effective implementation of adaptation plans depends on substantive commitments of developed countries. The most vulnerable people on earth have been dealing with worsening effects of climate change, now compounded by the global pandemic, and this response opens the door for immediate coordination and implementation.”
– Mueni Mutinda, Public Policy Advisor for Climate Change, Canadian Foodgrains Bank & C4D Co-Chair
“At Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada, we belong to a network of groups in 71 countries including colleagues in some of the most vulnerable countries on the planet. Today, Canada’s pledge of climate finance to $5.36 billion over the next five years recognizes that the climate crisis is not a zero-sum game. We all will win when Canada follows through on that commitment with urgency and inclusiveness.”
– Cathy Orlando, Program Director, Citizens’ Climate International
“Canada’s climate announcement at the G7 is very welcome. Women and girls are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises resulting from climate change. Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable communities against climate change is urgently needed. Action on climate is a matter of social justice.”
– Lindsay Glassco, President and CEO, Plan International Canada
“Oxfam Canada welcomes Canada’s new climate finance commitment of $5.3 billion over 5 years, which increases grants-based financing to 40 percent, and steps up investments in adaptation and nature-based solutions. The announcement marks a positive step in supporting developing countries’ efforts to respond and adapt to climate change, particularly as people struggle to cope and recover from the pandemic. Yet while establishing the parameters of Canada’s support for developing countries, more details are required on how this financing will be deployed. Ultimately, its true value will be determined by how effective it is in building women’s and other vulnerable peoples’ resilience and ability to cope with the increasingly adverse effects of climate change.”
– Anya Knechtel, Climate Policy Specialist, Oxfam Canada
“Canada’s G7 announcement on climate finance links two of the most important requirements for a green recovery, the conservation and sustainable use of nature, and action to combat and adapt to climate change. Reflecting a global acknowledgement that nature is one of our greatest assets in the fight to achieve a sustainable future, Canada, with its wealth of natural capital is well positioned to lead by example.”
– Jaime Webbe, Global Director Climate Change and Biodiversity, Alinea International
“As seven of the most powerful countries in the world, you have the duty and obligation to value and recognize that we as a globe are in a series of crises, many of which may not affect your country. The climate crisis, the global pandemic, and thousands of ongoing crises of inequality and injustice are all intertwined and worsened by one another and require you to take accountability and action.”
– Climate Strike Canada
« En tant que les sept pays les plus puissants du monde, vous avez le devoir et l’obligation de valoriser et de reconnaître que nous, en tant qu’humains, faisons face à une série de crises dont beaucoup n’affectent peut-être pas votre pays. La crise climatique, la pandémie mondiale et les milliers d’autres de crises d’inégalité qui se poursuivent sont toutes reliées et s’aggravent les unes par les autres. Elles exigent que vous preniez des mesures et que vous rendiez des comptes. »
– Climate Strike Canada
Eddy Pérez, International Climate Diplomacy Manager, Climate Action Network Canada
eddy@climateactionnetwork.ca, (514) 975-1592
Photo credit: THE CANADIAN PRESS / Adrian Wyld